Griffin was born 2nd November 1998. He was one of the smallest in the litter, if you could see him now you would be surprised. He weight is about 77 to 80 lbs or approx 37 Kg. His father is a black Labradore Named Lloyd, and his mother Spangle a Golden Retriever.
He went for his advance training at the approximate age of 14 Months, he stayed with his Puppy Walker for about a year learning the basic social skills and mobility skilss that he would need for his owner/me.
I came in to his life when he was about 18 Months old and we have not been parted since.
My only regret in life is, that I did not use Guide Dogs earlier in my life.
Like us, Griffin has good and bad days mostly I am glad to say more good than bad.
His awarness is exterordinary and his judgement I do not question.
Over the years being just over 5 years now, I have learnt so much about dogs and people.
The biggest problem today is, and I am sure other Guide Dog owners would agree, is members of the public who distract our dogs while they are working. It appears to have got worse over the last few years.
If Griffin could talk I am sure he would say that he is also getting fed-up with the situation.
Sometimes I have to correct him and it is not always his fault. When working I have had people call him across the road, have had people stroking him when I am working him people giving commands to him, and many many other distractions.
The other problems that come up are members of the public that make unjustified complaints about Guide Dog owners without getting the full facts.
The last concern that Griffin and I have is the conditions that he has to work in these days. such as: Cars parked on pavements, Wheely-bins, Over hanging hedges etc., Broken Glass on the pavement and much much more that Griffin has to deal with on a dailly basis.
This year, I put Griffin's name forward for the Guide Dog of the Year 2005, and did not think any more about it. I recieved a phone call early September to say that he has won a Certificate (Highly Commended) for his work. We are all very please although, he did not make the finals we still think that he is a very special dog.
He gets me about all over the place and enables me to continue studying Martial Arts and other things that I enjoy doing. I am certain that he enjoys all the attention too.
Woof....Please Click here for more information about Guide Dogs
A lovely website all about my friends.....!
It has now been some time since I have added to this page.
Griffihn and me have been traveling from one end of the country to the other and meeting many interesting people.
January this year 2007, Griff had a minor opperation to remove a lump on his front right leg. fortunately, it was not a serious situation.
It certainly made me sit up and think much more seriously about the work that he does for me.
The work of Guide Dogs have changed considerably even since I have had Griffin working for me. I personally believe that the work that a guide Dog does now is extremely hard at time due to the increase of trafic and other factors.
It has been some time since I have updated this page as Griffin and me have been extremely busy travelling about in Europe and the UK.
The Year ending 2007 was marked by traveling back and forward to the Enfield area doing my very best to help Dave Lee with his charity DisabilityMartial Ars Association etc. Early this ear I have decided to end this work for personal reasons. It seems that I must have been correct in my decission because life has returnedtbth Griffn and me and I am very muc more settled.
2008, Griffin and me went to South Shield and took part in Jon Stokoe's 40th Year of Aikido Practice I felt humble and priverleged t be there.
This Year 2009, is going to be a very sad time as it is planned to retire Griffin from his work during this Year. This is alays a hard time, but, I am very sure that things will work ot for the best.
I am hoping that he will be retiring with Dawn who we know, a se isso very good with elderly dogs....! This is Not going to be my decission it is totally up to Guide Dogs they make the final choice. We are all keeping our fingers and toes crossed.
When I start work with a new dog I thought that it would be interesting for you that I keep a page for the new dog with all details. If you would lke me to do this, please let me know.
Once I have more details will post final writings on this page and dedicate this page to our Griffin.
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